Turk aiming for place back on GB squad

Cecilia Turk, front right, in action at the BE Cup. Picture: Boccia EnglandCecilia Turk, front right, in action at the BE Cup. Picture: Boccia England
Cecilia Turk, front right, in action at the BE Cup. Picture: Boccia England
Cecilia Turk is targeting a place back on the British squad after winning the BE Cup.

The 34-year-old scooped the silverware in the BC3 category for a ninth time and believes she made a bold statement to GB selectors that she is fit and raring to go.

Before the competition, Turk had a number of hurdles to overcome.

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She had been in and out of hospital with hand problems and was also ill because of the morphine levels she was on.

Turk, who trains at University of Portsmouth three times a week, had an operation in April which also hindered her preparation.

However, they didn’t prove to be stumbling blocks as she was too strong for her rivals in Sheffield and was delighted with her performance.

Turk said: ‘I am now back on form and ready to show the selectors that I’m at my best again.

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‘My aim is to get back on the GB team and believe I am not too old.

‘I wasn’t nervous going into the competition because I wanted to get back on top.

‘I can’t find any words to express how it felt winning the title.

‘In the semi-final, I played the girl who went to the London Paralympics in 2012 instead of me.

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‘She is a rival and although I have beaten her before, it wasn’t expected.

‘I had never played my opponent who I faced in the final. He was on a brilliant run of form.

‘When I face previous opponents, they improve their game against me.

‘Playing someone new made it easier because he did not know my style.’

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On the horizon next for Turk is a crack at the UK Boccia Championships between August 11-13 in Liverpool.

The Waterlooville queen will meet plenty of her old adversaries that are also in hot pursuit of a place on the British squad.

At the tournament, she will have the assistance of her dad, Mervin, as her ramper.

Turk insists momentum is in her favour heading to Liverpool and is aiming for a podium-place finish.

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She said: ‘I will have to raise my game in the UK Championships.

‘My aim is to finish in the top three. That will allow me to get back onto the GB squad.

‘Going to the Paralympics would be a dream come true. I will never give up in pursuit of the position I want to be in.’