Coronavirus has changed football, now it's a buyer's market - ex-Portsmouth board member turned agent

Oli Hawkins is one of many players out of contract this summer with football now a 'buyer's market' according to John Kimbell. Picture: Joe PeplerOli Hawkins is one of many players out of contract this summer with football now a 'buyer's market' according to John Kimbell. Picture: Joe Pepler
Oli Hawkins is one of many players out of contract this summer with football now a 'buyer's market' according to John Kimbell. Picture: Joe Pepler
Football has become a buyer’s market as the balance of power changes hands.

That’s the verdict of John Kimbell, the former Pompey board member who now operates as football agent.

The coronavirus crisis and potential for a salary cap – plus 22-man squad – is creating a market overloaded with players.

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What’s more, footballer wages are being driven down as clubs struggle to survive in the financial climate.

Pompey season-ticket holder Kimbell has 20 players on his books – and noticed a huge shift in recruitment needs.

He told The News: ‘From an agent's point of view, it has made life very difficult.

‘You’ve got to go with what you can at the moment. It’s a buyer’s market, there is no doubt about that, clubs certainly have the upper hand over the player.

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‘I have already told our clients that if you get an offer then you should probably take it because it has definitely held the market up.

‘Whole budgets have been cut and people don’t know what is going on. Everything has slowed down.

‘Any decent agent would say if you’re going to get a contract then take it because you don’t know what’s going to happen and it will be different in a year.

‘Certainly, at this moment in time, player wages are also being driven down.

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‘With fans not in the grounds and commercial income slashed, clubs have to cut their cloth to suit their needs.

‘For those players not on contract, there is definitely a decrease in salaries.

‘I have offered players to clubs and offered to waive a fee because I want the player to get on.

‘The players appreciate that and will stick with you and respect you. Hopefully it will reap the rewards in the future.

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‘That’s the kind of trust and loyalty we are looking to build with these players.’

Kimbell spent two-and-a-half years on the Pompey board, a period in which he also served the Portsmouth Supporters’ Trust.

He stepped down in August 2017, following completion of the Tornante takeover.

Nowadays he works for Twelve Football Consulting, the company he founded 12 months ago.

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He added: ‘Those players of a certain calibre aren’t worried, they will always get picked up. Although those who are particularly young are concerned.

‘But, on the whole, because of the players that we’ve got, they are all quite confident they will get sorted out, as am I.

‘There is a lot of old tripe out there, I am not just picking up any old player, I do my research and I won’t sign players unless I think I can do something for them.

‘That’s the kind of the belief we have in these players.’

A message from the Editor, Mark Waldron

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