Rugby fans trek from Portsmouth to Twickenham

The rugby fans from Rugby Against Charity at the start of their gruelling trek to Twickenham.The rugby fans from Rugby Against Charity at the start of their gruelling trek to Twickenham.
The rugby fans from Rugby Against Charity at the start of their gruelling trek to Twickenham.
A GROUP of rugby fans are hoping to 'kick cancer into touch' at Twickenham - by walking from Portsmouth to the home of their favourite sport.

The group, part of Portsmouth-based Rugby Against Cancer, are walking the whole 68 miles distance, the equivalent of 980 rugby fields laid end to end.

The 12 walkers set off from the Royal Navy Rugby Union Office at 9am Friday 3 May and hoped to arrive in time for the Army vs Navy match midday Saturday.

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Aaron Beesley, a founder of the charity, was inspired to 'fight this horrible illness' after the death of two friends last year.

He said: 'Everyone in the group knows someone who is effected.

‘This is our chance to do what we can.’

The walk has raised more than £2,700, with proceeds going to Prostate Cancer UK.