I am sleep-deprived, but I would not change a thing | Cheryl Gibbs

Cheryl and Matt with baby Harley.Cheryl and Matt with baby Harley.
Cheryl and Matt with baby Harley.
We always knew that when we finally got our baby, after years of trying, that he or she would be loved.But we weren’t quite expecting the level of support and well wishes from…well, everyone!

Harley Winter Lorraine Kingston, who was born exactly three weeks and one day ago, is one very lucky lady.

There quite literally hasn’t been a single day that has gone by where a card or present hasn’t arrived for her and we’ve just been blown away.

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Needless to say, Harley will never go without – she even had a parcel arrive from Harrods the other day that friends of ours organised.

It really has been overwhelming and we’ve received congratulations from everyone, including friends of friends or friends of family that we’ve not even met.

Obviously every baby is a celebration and loved but I think our journey to get here has just touched a few more people and we really didn’t expect it.

I can’t believe that this time next week she’ll be one month old.

Where on earth did that time go?

We’ve done nothing and everything in a few short weeks.

I think most new parents will empathise with that feeling.

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Leaving the house is a huge mission, a trip to Asda is like a day out these days and timing her feeds is like a military operation.

It’s only been a few weeks and it already is the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

There are days when all I’ve wanted to do is shut the curtains and sleep, but Harley has other ideas.

Somehow, and I honestly have no idea where it comes from, you find the strength to just keep going and move past the tiredness and just get on with it.

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I can’t wait for her to start developing her own little personality – I know she can’t smile yet but her little cheeky smile when you wind her makes it all worthwhile.

For that brief moment you forget about the bed – I said it was a brief moment – and once again you’re reminded of just how lucky you are.

And we truly know we are.

I am officially part of the ‘mum’ club – and I love it

It’s true that when you become a parent you become part of an unofficial club. I used to laugh about it but here I am doing the exact same thing.

When I say ‘club’ I mean it’s like a sisterhood where there are unspoken words that you all just get without having to say it.

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We’ve tried to venture out as much as possible with Harley and the number of women who come up to me to share their tips on getting wind up, or their advice on swaddling (when you wrap your baby tight to sleep) is quite amazing really and I don’t mind at all.

I find it funny that all of a sudden I’m part of this unique club that I never really knew I wanted to be part of, but now am – and I love it.

A ‘normal’ life is better than being famous in the spotlight

I remember meeting The Only Way Is Essex (TOWIE) star, Kirk Norcross, at an Essex polo event a few years ago.

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He was quite a nice guy actually and we chatted briefly at the event. He was riding the fame like all the TOWIE stars were riding their fame, and why wouldn’t you?

Now, Kirk has set up his own drain unblocking business after finding fame ‘brutal’ and who can blame him, given the recent events where TV presenter and personality Caroline Flack killed herself because of the pressures she endured of being in the spotlight.

I wish Kirk all the best in the world as he lives a life resembling ‘normal’ – good luck to him I say!