Drug dealers told: pay £35,000 or spend longer in jail

From left, Ryan Zwakenberg, Chey O'Brien and Anthony BusutillFrom left, Ryan Zwakenberg, Chey O'Brien and Anthony Busutill
From left, Ryan Zwakenberg, Chey O'Brien and Anthony Busutill
A seven-strong gang helped peddle heroin and cocaine on the streets of Portsmouth after trafficking it from Manchester.

Now five of the men, who a judge ruled made between £680,000 between them, have been told to pay up or spend longer in jail.

Portsmouth Crown Court previously heard that the conspiracy involved 610g of cocaine and 610g of heroin.

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Now they have been told to pay out more than £35,000 between them.

The men told to pay were:

n Anthony Busutill benefited by £169,661.03 – he must pay £8,155 in three months or spend another five months in jail.

n Chey O’Brien benefited £177,737.29 – he must pay back £8,735 in three months or spend five months extra in prison.

n Joseph Whittaker made £154,831.20 and has three months to pay £3,826.16 or face three months extra in prison.

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n Ryan Zwakenberg made £163,659.85 but only has to pay back £360 as that is all the assets he has.

He must pay in 28 days or spend an extra month in prison.

n David Smith made £14,800 and must pay the full amount in 28 days or face six months in prison.

Anthony Busutill, of Grange Park Road, Manchester, was previously jailed for 11 years.

Zwakenberg, 27, of Ashurst Road, Wymering, was jailed for six years.

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Both admitted two charges of conspiracy to supply of class A drugs.

O’Brien, 27, of Crasswell Street, Landport, was jailed for 10 years, while former Argos worker Joseph Whittaker, 27, of Aspell Close, Middleton, Manchester, was jailed for seven years.

Both were convicted of two charges of conspiracy to supply class A drugs.

Former merchant sailor Charles Busutill, 82, of Grange Park Road, Manchester, admitted two charges of being concerned in supply of class A drugs and was jailed for three years. He had a previous suspended sentence for money laundering.

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Army veteran David Smith, 54, of Keeley Close, Manchester, admitted possession of criminal property, and received a one-year term suspended for two years.

He has no previous convictions.

Apprentice hotel chef Luke Busutill, 20, of Grange Park Road, Manchester, admitted being concerned in an arrangement to facilitation of criminal property.

Busutill senior’s confiscation case was adjourned.

The orders mean police can claw back more cash if the men get any assets in future.